World Tiger Day – July 29, 2022
World Tiger Day
- Tigers (Panthera tigris) are the largest living cat species in the world.
- There are 6 living subspecies of Tigers, which are the Bengal tiger, Sumatran Tiger, South China Tiger, Indochinese Tiger, Malayan Tiger and Siberian Tiger.
- Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark vertical stripes and reddish/orange fur.
- Adult tigers generally live alone.
- Unlike most other cats, Tigers are great swimmers and actually like the water.
- Cubs are born blind and only open their eyes 1-2 weeks after birth.
- Cubs start learning to hunt at six months of age but stay with their moms until they are about 18 months old.
- Tigers are stalk and ambush hunters; they lie in wait slowly creeping towards their prey until they are close enough to pounce.
Malayan Tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)