Central American wildlife
Central American wildlife
Wildlife Photo Notebooks
Wildlife Photo Notebooks showcase some of the popular wildlife species on the front cover of these lined notebooks and journals. – Photography by Cyril Brass.
Wildlife Notebooks Central America
Wildlife Notebooks Central America
– Photos of Sloths, Monkeys, Frogs, Butterflies, Birds and Lizards by Cyril Brass
Wildlife in Central America Books
Wildlife in Central America Photo & Information Books
– Wildlife in Central America 1 and Wildlife in Cetnral America 2 by Cyril Brass.
Keel-Billed Toucan
The Keel-Billed Toucan wears a Rainbow.
-The Keel-Billed Toucan also called the Rainbow-Billed Toucan and Sulphur-Breasted Toucan is a colorful tropical bird species that is found in the jungles from Mexico to Columbia.
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaws prefer a life in Tropical Rainforests of Central America & South America.
-Scarlet Macaw images photographed in Costa Rica by Cyril Brass.
Giant Red-Winged Grasshopper
The Giant Red-Winged Grasshopper is one of the largest insects in the world.
-This grasshopper was photographed in Costa Rica by Cyril Brass.
Birds in Central America
Birds in Central America Tropical Birds in Central America – 5 Colorful and Amazing Species Did you Know? Want to read more descriptive information about… Read More »Birds in Central America
Smoky Jungle Frog
The Smoky Jungle Frog is a Forest Floor Dweller and Hunter.
– The Smokey Jungle Frog was photgraphed by Cyril Brass in Tortuguero, Costa Rica.
Insects in Central America
Insects in Central America
-5 beautiful & amazing insect species.
-Insect Photography by Cyril Brass in Costa Rica.
Northern Jacana
The Northern Jacana walks on Floating Vegetation. Learn how this water bird is able to do that.
– Northern Jacana images taken by Cyril Brass in Costa Rica.
Wildlife in Central America Books
Wildlife in Central America Books
– 2 Wildlife Books providing colorful images & detailed information on 50 wildlife species living in Central America.
Orange-Kneed Tarantula
The Orange-Kneed Tarantula is a Night Hunter.
-This ground dwelling arachnid was photographed during a night tour in Monteverde, Costa Rica by Cyril Brass.
Central American Wildlife Photo Notebooks
Central American Wildlife Photo Notebooks and Journals by Cyril Brass – Frogs, Sloth, Monkeys, Basilisk, Butterfly, Macaw