Red-Eyed Tree Frog
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog uses its Eyes for Defense as it flashes the bright red eyes to scare its attackers.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog; Did you Know?
- The bright red eyes of the Red Eyed Tree Frog are thought to ba a scare tactic for the frog to startle approaching predators giving the frog time to escape.
- The Red Eyed Tree Frog has orange webbed feet and toes with sticky pads to allow the frog to easily climb on the vegetation.
- Females lay her eggs on vegetation that overhang a body of water. When the eggs hatch the tadpoles drop into the water to continue their next phase of development.

Want to read more descriptive information about the Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
Want to see more wildlife photographs of the Red-Eyed Tree Frog?
Checkout Wildlife in Central America 1; 25 Amazing Animals Living in Tropical Rainforests and River Habitats
Original wildlife photography and researched information text by Cyril Brass
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Wildlife in Central America 1 is part of the Wildlife around the World Series books.
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