Orange-Kneed Tarantula
The Orange-Kneed Tarantula is a Night Hunter.
Orange-Kneed Tarantula; Did you Know?
- Megaphobema mesomelas
- The Orange-Kneed Tarantula is a territorial and solitary creature. It comes together to breed, but the male puts itself at risk when doing so since the female has been known to eat it after mating.
- The Orange-Kneed Tarantula is a carnivore and hunts at night for insects, small mammals, and reptiles.
- The Orange-Kneed Tarantula is able to flick the hairs from its abdomen when threatened. These hairs can cause skin irritation, eye problems, or, in extreme cases, even death in small mammals.
- also called the Mexican Orange-knee Tarantula

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Want to see more wildlife photographs of the Orange-Kneed Tarantula?
Checkout Wildlife in Central America 1; 25 Amazing Animals Living in Tropical Rainforests and River Habitats
Original wildlife photography and researched information text by Cyril Brass
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